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Get to know us

Once while at work, I was thinking to myself; wouldn't it be cool to do some thrashyhardcore type music. "I know what," I thought. "I'll call it, DUMBASS." Shortly after I asked Iann,"hey dude wanna start a project?" He agreed! He had a riff lying around that he had recorded with Ryan Wishart. That riff became Isolation Party! Shortly after I had written the lyrics to it, and had it recorded, me being the big mouth I am, I started to show all of my friends what we were trying to do. We showed our friend Misha who drums for a band called CIDB. After Misha joined, Ryan made the choice to leave. I thought to myself who could be a good lead? It turned out to be none other than Jay He agreed to produce us and do leads, (he's ONE hell of a shredder). Next up was Ivan. I had done some guest vocals for one of his old bands a few years back and I really liked his backups and his bass style. Now we are still writing stuff and playing shows.
We will see you guys soon! We are all very proud of our project and thank everyone who made this shit possible!
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